(Translated by AL)


Part One

I want to tell a story from my life, in the hope that it may allow others pursue their dream.

My life was always a bit up and down. As a girlfriend of mine said, I was very adventurous as a child-but it was always heterosexual. In my neighbourhood I was surrounded by males, but my little games with the ladies began at school.

I believe my childhood was normal, although something unusual happened when I was 11, at that age when we're growing up and developing. I often discovered the boys of the neighbourhood participating in group sex and sodomy, and even my older brother joined in. Sometimes I would be playing on my computer in my room while they were playing their games behind me.

When I turned 13 I fell in love with a girl the same age as me who went to my school. I fell madly in love, and our relationship was beautiful and passionate, but also rather painful as we both had strong personalities and quarrelled constantly. Every time this happened I sought consolation in the arms of other girls. Our pattern of fighting and making up continued for five years. I was happy with our relationship but it also hurt me. One day, after a particularly bad row, I asked God what I should do because He must know all the crazy things she'd done (including breaking my arm!). 

He answered me (or so I believe) for one day, as if by magic, she was gone from my thoughts and nothing remained but the memory of her. By this time I was in my first year at University, and struck up some inadvisable friendships with people who spent wild nights filled with sex, alcohol and drugs. One day I nearly died from an overdose, and I realised what a state I was in. I asked God why I could not be happy with someone and lead a normal life. So I left those people behind me, and made new friends who helped me and allowed me to sort myself out.

In the second term, as I was queuing for enrolment, I found that I couldn't take my eyes off the young man in front of me. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before. He was about 20, his face had a noble outline, his smile was broad, and his eyes were dark as the night. And it was there that I understood that my life was not like other people's, because all of a sudden I felt powerfully attracted to him.

Part Two is coming soon.




