Let me start by introducing myself. I'm Ignacio, from Buenos Aires, and I'm 15.
I think I've been gay all my life, or at least since I became aware of sex, and it's never bothered or upset me.
Obviously I don't go shouting it around. I keep it quiet, even repressed. While my friends are panting over some girl's arse, I'm looking at their trouser-bulges. And I've got to be discrete.
Five months ago, when I was 14, I told my mum I was gay. She's always been very supportive, and as I'd hoped she took it well. I shall always be thankful to God that she's the mother she is.
I also told my two best female friends who were OK about it too, and now instead of feeling hidden I'm a little more free.
Being gay isn't bad, it's just that: being gay.
Being a murderer is bad, laughing at other people's suffering is mad, but being gay isn't.
I'd also like to say something to all the boys who repress themselves or suffer because they think God doesn't like gays. Well, it isn't so. God loves us unconditionally and he doesn't discriminate. If it were not so, he'd have no right to be called God.
But he does love us and protect us, and I say that because he's taken as much care of me throughout my life as if I'd been the last person on the earth.
Don't complain about what you have. The good things in life are fine. The bad things make us stronger and teach us something, even if it hurts us.
Don't deny who you are, and be free to love who you will. When I say 'free,' I don't mean you should shout it to the world with a megaphone. What I mean is that you should feel, inside yourself, is that it isn't bad.
Now, if you'll permit me, I'd like to ask for your help. A long time ago I fell in love with someone who doesn't actually exist. I hardly expect you to understand from such a short explanation, but I don't want to take up any more space on this helpful site that's taught me so much. So if one of you wants to help, send me an email because much time has passed and I still can't stop crying over it, even though I now love someone else.
If you want to know the story, please do write to me because the truth is that I feel lost.
Many thanks and, as Luke said, you only have one life and it would be supremely stupid to waste it suffering because of what someone else might think.
So live your life to the full! Some day we're going to be accepted, because every day there are more and more of us.
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